✓ Annual & Monthly Site Inspections & Reporting
✓ Recharging & Hydrostatic Testing
✓ ULC & TC Approved Requalification Facility
✓ Wheeled Extinguishers Recharging & Hydrostatic Testing
✓ Clean Agent Recharging & Hydrostatic Testing
✓ Cartridge Operated Extinguisher Recharging & Hydrostatic Testing
✓ N2 & CO2 Cartridge Refilling
✓ Fire Hose Hydro-static Testing & Re-Coupling
✓ Recycling & Refurbishment
Portable fire extinguishers are intended to be used as a first line of defense to extinguish or control a fire before the Fire Department arrives. They're needed even if the property is equipped with automatic sprinklers, standpipe and hose, or other fixed fire protection equipment. They're very effective, but only if equipment is properly placed, efficiently maintained, and used by trained individuals.
Herbert Williams Fire Equipment Ltd is ULC & Transport Canada certified, so you can be confident that any work done to your extinguisher is performed in a proper and highly skilled manner.
To guarantee the safety of your workers and facility as a whole, make sure that you're aware of how often your hand portable extinguisher needs to be repaired, replaced and/or maintained.
- An inspection or ‘quick check’ that a portable extinguisher is available for use and will operate properly is necessary. This is done by seeing that it is in its designated place, that it has not been actuated or tampered with, and that there is no obvious physical damage or condition to prevent operation.
- The date of the inspection and initials of the qualified individual performing the inspection should be recorded on the extinguisher’s label or tag (NFPA 10).
- Carry out maintenance procedures for fire extinguishers (NFPA 10) and manufacturer’s manuals.
- The date of the inspection and initials of the qualified individual performing the inspection should be recorded on the extinguisher’s label or tag (NFPA 10).
- Hydrostatic test of carbon dioxide, K-Guard® and water-type fire extinguishers (NFPA 10).
(Stored Pressure Dry Chemical Hand portable only)
- Stored pressure extinguishers that require a 12 year hydrostatic test shall be emptied and subjected to the applicable maintenance procedures
(Stored Pressure and Cartridge Operated hand portables only)
- Conduct hydrostatic testing of dry chemical and vaporizing liquid fire extinguishers as required (NFPA 10).
- Do not attempt to hydro-test portable fire extinguishers without training, equipment, and proper regulatory certifications. Frequency is dependent on type and size of extinguisher – contact us for details.
Contact us for a Free Consultation today!